Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of The Talking Heads’ “Once in a...

Rhetorical Analysis of The Talking Heads’ â€Å"Once in a Lifetime† Kenneth Burke’s Five Master Terms exist to bring to light the motivation behind, theoretically, any bit of text to which we care to apply them. The beauty of this Pentad is its fundamentality in regards to the motivations humans have in creating words and meaning using the tools of language available. This doesn’t just apply to long-winded theses regarding the nature of dramatistic meaning, though perhaps something like that would be more up Burke’s alley. No, in this case I plan to utilize his methods for a more seemingly mundane example, the motivations behind something as simple as song lyrics. I say song lyrics are simple, but in this case I am going†¦show more content†¦Burke says that one of his five terms will often rise to the surface and become a dominant force over the others in any interpretation of a text. While this could be true with â€Å"Once in a Lifetime,† I want to begin by addressing a term that is conspicuous in its apparent absence. Of all the terms, Act has the most ambiguous role in this composition, and I believe because of this that it is the most important. The song describes a theoretical situation in which a person, only ever described as the second-person â€Å"You,† is suddenly and inexplicably found in a completely ordinary situation that is nonetheless alien to him (or her). The â€Å"You† in question – quite arguably the Agent, but more on this later – is always â€Å"finding† himself in a situation, â€Å"asking† himself what is happening, and eventually â€Å"telling† himself t hat the situation is somehow wrong. Each verse expands upon this theme of finding, asking, and telling to determine a situation, but these are the only Acts committed by the Agent. â€Å"And you may ask yourself/How do I work this?† Byrne sings, but his fictional persona never finds out how to work it. â€Å"Where does that highway go to?† he asks, yet he never travels down the highway to find out. The identity in question can be seen as constantly standing in questioning thought before the situation without ever aggressively Acting. Burke discusses the scholastic view of Act, which is a ratio he expresses as thus: â€Å"essence is to existenceShow MoreRelated «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland »7735 Words   |  31 PagesTo provide the theoretical background for dealing with Lexical Devices, Syntactical Stylistic Devices, Lexico-Syntactical Stylistic Devices and Graphical Expressive means. †¢ To make a stylistic analysis of the novel, defining expressive means which were used by the author and providing the analysis with the examples from the text of the novel. The practical value of the paper consists in analyzing the novel from the point of view of lexicology and stylistics. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Death Penalty Pros and Cons - 1636 Words

Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty The death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. The death penalties are usually carried out for retribution of a heinous murder committed, such as aggravated murder, felony killing or contract killing. Every state handles what method they want to use to put a person to death according to their state laws. The death penalty is given by lethal injection, electrocution; gas chamber firing squad and hanging are some of the ways that certain states may carry out their death penalty procedures. I will present some views and personal opinion dealing with the pros and cons of the death penalty. The death penalty is such a life altering subject that affects†¦show more content†¦Death penalty case costs were counted through to execution (median cost $1.26 million). Non-death penalty case costs were counted through to the end of incarceration (median cost $740,000). (December 2003 Survey by the Kansas Legislative Post Audit) In Tennessee, death penalty trials cost an average of 48% more than the average cost of trials in which prosecutors seek life imprisonment. (2004 Report from Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Office of Research) In Maryland death penalty cases cost 3 times more than non-death penalty cases, or $3 million for a single case.(Urban Institute, The Cost of the Death Penalty inMaryland,March 2008)In California the current system costs $137 million per year; it would cost $11.5 million for a system without the death penalty.(California Commission for the Fair Administration of Justice, July 2008). According to Priya Johnson this because, the cost incurred prior to and during the trial, involves an endless stream of appeals, legal wrangling, etc. According to Priya Johnson such trials as a death penalty trials, special motions and extra time for jury selection are required. Investigation charges also rise exorbitantly, especially by the prosecution. Thus, According to Priya Johnson spending finances on death penalty is tantamount to reducing essential financial and time resources needed for crime prevention, mental health treatment, rehabilitation, valuable victim’s services, etc. Fig. 4. Coutesy of (The family Project)Show MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of The Death Penalty789 Words   |  4 Pages Death Penalty The death penalty has been a debated topic for decades. Many people believe that it serves justice to the person being executed, while others think that it does no good for either party. However, I believe the three most outstanding topics surround the death penalty are the cost of death vs. life in prison, attorney quality, and irrevocable mistakes. The first topic surrounding the death penalty is the cost of death vs. life in prison. This is a bigRead MoreDeath Penalty Pros Cons2512 Words   |  11 PagesTop 10 Pros and Cons Should the death penalty be allowed? The PRO and CON statements below give a five minute introduction to the death penalty debate. (Read more information about our one star to five star Theoretical Credibility System) 1. Morality 2. Constitutionality 3. Deterrence 4. Retribution 5. Irrevocable Mistakes 6. Cost of Death vs. Life in Prison 7. Race 8. Income Level 9. Attorney Quality 10. Physicians at Execution PRO Death Penalty CON Death Penalty 1. Morality PRO:Read MoreDeath Penalty Pros And Cons1501 Words   |  7 Pagesthe death penalty. What laws have the Supreme Court recognized that warrant the death penalty as being cruel and unusual punishment. What are the pros and cons of the death penalty, death penalty vs. life incarceration from a financial standpoint, the death penalty is it a deterrent where crime is concerned, states that have the death penalty, the state with the highest number of death row inmates the state with the lowest, mentally ill and mental retardation, juveniles, women and the death penaltyRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty915 Words   |  4 PagesThe Death Penalty is the punishment of execution to someone who legally by court of law convicted a capital crime. In the United States of America this is mainly used for aggravated murder. Additionally this means that the murder has circumstances that are severe. For instance it was planned murder, intentionally killed below the age of 13, killed som eone while serving term in prison, killed a law officer, and killed someone or illegally terminated a person’s pregnancy while in the process of committingRead MorePros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1435 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The Death Penalty (DP), being also known as capital punishment, capital offence and corporal punishment, is a sentence of death imposed on a convicted criminal (1); this essay will use all the terms interchangeably. The DP breaches two fundamental human rights, namely the right to life and the right to live free from torture; both rights are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nations in 1948, which contains a list of each human rightsRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1331 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty has always been an issue or debate in the United States, typically being asked if it should be illegal or not. As of right now there are thirty-one states, including Ohio in which I live, that still use the death penalty as it is illegal in the rest. There are many supporters of it, there is also a huge amount of opposition. There are things included in both sides that can make the argument harder to be one-sided but I believe that the death penalty should be legal throughout theRead MorePros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1348 Words   |  6 Pagesmost shocking, the death penalty. The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, was first introduced in the form of hanging hundreds of years ago when America was first established. Now, the most common way of execution proves to be death by lethal injection. For hundreds of years, people have argued over whether or not the general idea of capital punishment stands morally correct. Many have also debated if anyone holds the right to end another’s life. The death penalty, morally wrong andRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty948 Words   |  4 PagesDeath is something that a lot of people think about, but do people think about the Death Penalty? Having been given the death penalty means that someone is going to be put to death by a lethal injection or an electric chair; There are more ways, but the injection and the e lectric chair are the most used. There are many different opinions surrounding the idea of death penalties; which some people think the death penalty should be used more and some believe the complete opposite. There are two mainRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty703 Words   |  3 Pages I feel that the death penalty was and is a very effective form of punishment. The death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. I also feel that the death penalty should be practiced in all fifty states and be the punishment for more crimes.Since 1976 there has been over fourteen hundred deaths caused by the death penalty. I also feel that if we see the ability to get the punishment at lower standards such as for rappings or for harderRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1939 Words   |  8 PagesThe death penalty is a serious problem that has the United States very divided. While there are many supporters of it, there is also a large amount of opposition. Currently, there are thirty three states where the death penalty is legal and seventeen states that have abolished it . I believe the death penalty should be legal th roughout the nation. Crime is all around, Wherever we look we find criminals and crime. Criminals have become a part of peoples daily lives,Some criminals commit a crime

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Case Study Analysis Laburnum Group

Question: Write about theCase Study Analysis forLaburnum Group. Answer: Introduction Laburnum Group is headquartered in Australia. The different business units of Laburnum Group are involved in clothing, energy, chemicals, office material, industrial products and home improvement. The origin of this group can be traced back to 1920. The business operations of Laburnum Group aim to maximize value for shareholders and return to shareholders. Special attention is given to the clothing and energy business portfolio because their combined contribution to the overall business is very high. At present, both the business portfolios are facing several challenges. Thus, the top management is evaluating the business strategies related to clothing and energy portfolio. A report regarding performance evaluation of these business has indicated that poor supply chain management is responsible for the challenges encountered in both portfolios. A cross-function team has been appointed to analyze the issues pertaining to supply chain management. Improvement areas are being identified by these cross-functional teams for improving the business efficiency. AusCotton is the business unit that deals with clothing portfolio and Sapphire Energy is the business unit that deals with energy portfolio. Sapphire Energy provides electricity to the customer houses from the distribution pole. This business unit provides its services in Wodonga, Ballarat, Wangaratta, Melton, Mildura, Geelong, Sunbury, Bendigo, Traralgon, Wangaratta, and Shepparton. 1/0 AWG aluminum triplex cable is the most extensively used material by Sapphire Energy for providing services to its consumers. The installation of these cables takes place in the working days. AusCotton is a producer of sports apparel. The summer collection includes footwear, shirts, shorts, backpacks and windbreakers. The winter collection for the company includes windbreakers, footwear, and fleece and ski jackets. The company distributes its products across Australia and different parts of the world. The products are distributed to retailers in North America, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. The customers can also order the products through the internet (mercuri, 2007). Online and offline presence makes AusCotton a major player in the Australian apparel industry. Most of the products are manufactured through contract manufacturers present in India, Vietnam, Taiwan and China. There are several factors that determine the lead time for manufacturing activities. Lead time varies on the basis of raw materials required, the complexity of products and product item to be manufactured (mercuri, 2007). The approximate lead time varies from 4 months to 1 year. Air transportation and water transportation is used by AusCotton for shipping the products to other countries. The choice of mode of transportation depends upon the urgency of product delivery. The company has 8 distribution centers in different parts of the world. This helps to manage the distribution of products in different countries in an efficient manner. The production of summer and winter product lines helps the company to utilize the manufacturing capacity of contract manufacturers and facilities of distribution centers in a proper manner. Sapphire Energy Eastern Power is responsible for procuring the 1/0 AWG aluminum triplex cable. Sapphire Energy has a contract with Eastern Power. Due to expanding service needs, the requirement for the cable will increase to 155,000 meters. Per meter inventory carrying the cost of this cable is 1.35 dollars. Eastern Power has entered into a contract with its supplier for dividing the annual requirement into twelve parts. Thus, the company will take one twelfth of it the total yearly requirement on a per month basis. The agreement between Eastern Power and its supplier aim to reduce the lead time. The lead time may increase to 12 weeks in the absence of this agreement (Doorasamy, 2015). Sapphire Energy is a customer of Eastern Power. The price for procuring the cable is fixed. No discounts are offered on the basis of quantity. The minimum quantity for placing an order with the supplier is 4500 meters. A major challenge is the presence of inflexible supplier. The supplier includes certain surcharges a nd does not provide any discounts (Doorasamy, 2015). For example, 10 percent of the purchase price is considered as the inventory carrying the cost. This inventory carrying cost becomes huge when the annual purchase requirement is around 90,000 meters. An additional 50 dollars is charged as ordering cost that is added to each shipment. This impacts the financial budget and makes the ordering system less efficient. Inventory management is an important aspect of business efficiency. The existing ordering system can be improved by making certain changes in the contract. The inventory controller/ manager can negotiate with the supplier for proving discounts for bulk orders (mercuri, 2007). The Eastern Power storeroom should increase its storage space. It can store about 90,000 meters of wire whereas in the coming year the demand will increase to 155,000 meters of cable. There should be no terms and conditions regarding the minimum quantity of cable that can be ordered. Since Eastern Power is expected to pay 10 percent of the purchase price, the company should not have any restrictions regarding the order quantity. The present condition of ordering at least 4500 meters of cable should be discontinued. Auscotton Strategic sourcing aims to reduce operating costs. Companies are targeting countries like India and China that have relatively cheap resources and abundance of potential employees. For example, the cost of raw materials, transportation services, and labor is lower in developing countries (Jensen, 2017). Legal, socio-cultural, economic, political issues are relevant to strategic sourcing. Developing nations may be subject to political instability that can hamper the business operations. Cultural differences and language barriers may affect the buyer-supplier relationship (Jensen, 2017). Shifting the supply chain activities to a new geographical location requires a more diverse workforce. Supervising the manufacturing activities and ensuring quality control becomes difficult. Acquiring information on a real-time basis becomes a problem. Fluctuations in currency exchange rate may impact financial transactions. The inaccurate demand forecast results in frequent stock-outs at retail outlets. This has the adverse impact on brand image. This creates a mismatch between demand and supply of outdoor sportswear. Poor forecasting increases the inventory costs. The transportation services used for shipment of goods to other countries is not efficient. There is constant fluctuation in the transportation costs that affects the pricing of goods. Delayed delivery of goods and empty shelves causes dissatisfaction among customers. Collaborating with the staff members especially the sales force can help to improve demand forecast (Frankel, 2006). Demand forecasting should be done while taking into account the marketing activities like advertisements and special offers. The company should always keep a safety stock of inventory for responding to sudden demand shifts. The company should consider outsourcing of transportation services for improving efficiency. Strategic sourcing can help AusCotton in improving the supplier performance, acquisition process, and saving costs. Choosing the right suppliers of raw material is the most important concern. It is important to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract. The performance of suppliers should be evaluated on a regular basis so that the company can get rid of non-performing suppliers (Abdullaev, 2015). For example, if the quality offered by the supplier does not comply with the performance metrics, it should be replaced with a new supplier. Due to the negative impact of mismanaged transportation services, the company should consider outsourcing of transportation processes (Frankel, 2006). AusCotton should combine outsourced services with competitive strengths for becoming a market leader. The company should develop a risk management plan (Abdullaev, 2015). It is important to identify the risks involved in business and reduce their impact by taking timely measures. A legal inquiry is required for establishing the claims regarding the counterfeit clothes being manufactured by contract manufacturers. If the claims are proved, then the company should end its association with the offender contract manufacturers. Global outsources increases the chances of manufacturing illegal merchandise (Voronina, 2011). The presence of counterfeit products in the market causes excessive damage to the company. This is the serious violation of intellectual property rights. Sometimes it even becomes difficult for the consumers to spot the difference between an original product and fake product. The poor quality of fake products tarnishes the brand image. Poor durability, quality, and finish may lead to negative word-of-mouth through social media (Voronina, 2011). The competition between the original products and counterfeit products leads to loss of market share and reduction in revenue generation. Challenges Identified In Both Business Cases For Sapphire Energy, the procurement system pertaining to 1/0 AWG aluminum triplex cable is flawed. The inventory carrying the cost for the cable is considerably high. The contract between Eastern Power and the supplier of the cable is very rigid. The supplier does not provide discounts on bulk orders (Brown, 2014). The company has to pay several surcharges for procuring the cable. The storage space available The Eastern Power storeroom is less according to the increasing demand for cable. For AusCotton, stiff competition from other industry players is a major challenge. Several other brands provide similar sportswear for summer and winter. The threat of new entrants is high in the apparel industry. High-profit margins attract new companies. The number of players operating in the apparel industry has increased considerably in the past few years. The demand forecasting done by managers in AusCotton is not accurate. The inaccurate demand forecast results in frequent stock-outs at retail outlets. This has the adverse impact on brand image (Brown, 2014). This creates a mismatch between demand and supply of outdoor sportswear. The transportation services used for shipment of goods to other countries is not efficient. There is constant fluctuation in the transportation costs that affects the pricing of goods. It has been established that the contract manufacturers are involved in selling counterfeit products in the market. This affects the reputation of the company and reven ue generation (Brown, 2014). Recommendations Choice of suppliers should be made carefully. The performance metrics should be clearly communicated to the suppliers- price of material, quality standards and on-time delivery. Before entering into a contract with the supplier, it is important to negotiate on several parameters. These parameters include after-sale services, price, payment terms, delivery terms, overhead expenses, shipment charges etc. Demand forecasting can be improved by taking feedback from the right people- marketing managers, sales managers, and consumers. Accurate demand forecasting will help to improve ROI (Return on Investment) (Doorasamy, 2015). Forecasting should be done on the basis of a product lifecycle, market analysis, competitor analysis and past trends. References Abdullaev, A. (2015). Monitoring Of Enterprise Environment As An Aspect Of Strategic Management.Business Strategies, (4), p.1. Brown, A. (2014). Challenges to Business Excellence: Some Empirical Evidence.Nang Yan Business Journal, 1(1). Doorasamy, M. (2015). Product Portfolio Management: An Important Business Strategy.Foundations of Management, 7(1). Frankel, R. (2006). The role and relevance of refocused inventory: Supply chain management solutions.Business Horizons, 49(4), pp.275-286. Jensen, P. (2017). Strategic sourcing and procurement of facilities management services.Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10(2). mercuri, r. (2007). Book Review: Cross-Cultural Communication: Concepts, Cases and Challenges.Business Communication Quarterly, 70(1), pp.118-124. Tamegawa, K. (2014). Demand uncertainty, inventory and business cycles.Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(4), pp.664-683. Voronina, N. (2011). Service Industry Management: Organizational Aspect.European Journal of Business and Economics, 3.